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Hey I am Annie! I am a Mummy to my two young boys and wife to my Bonesy. We had an unconventional wedding in a grass field filled with the love and support of friends and family. I love the sun, it warms my soul and I love being near to the sea / sailing on the sea / being by the water.

This is my calm / happy place!  This is why in 2021 we moved to Spain.


I have had many jobs in my life, none of which felt like they fulfilled me day in day out. I have always reached for a better opportunity and never settled for feeling like I didn’t enjoy going to work each day. Work is such a huge chunk of your life.


MBSR™ changed my life for the better, forever. Once I experienced it for myself I felt compelled to become a practitioner and share this actual GIFT with the world. And now I am Gifted with this.

As someone who has experienced a lot of talking therapy in various forms (which can be SO so healing and very important), I still felt stuck in old habits that I was desperate to be free of.


After my first MBSR™ session with the wonderful Sara, I curled up on the sofa so delighted and slightly bemused with how easy the session had felt - could that really work? Then I watched, as my two very busy young boys downed toys and came to me independently. They snuggled into me for the first time, ever. Cuddles and kisses had been stolen to this point unless an injury required one. I could visibly see how different my children were around me instantly. My energy had changed, shifts had been made. There were many other changes that followed in the weeks after for me, such as a weight being lifted, my mould anxiety vanishing, brain fog gone, the controlling voice tamed and being able to be truly present with my children.


MBSR™ heals up and down the line, both your ancestors and your children heal too if YOU do the work. I look forward to sharing this journey with you when you are ready. And I know it can take time, it took me 6 months before I took the plunge! So if you have any questions do ask :)

About me

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